Mercoledì 17 Luglio 2024
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Legislazione Ue 06/10/2010

Periodi di guida e di riposo dei conducenti secondo il nuovo accordo AETR
(Testo in lingua inglese)


United Nations Economic Commission for Europe


Legal instruments in the field of transport

European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR)

Geneva, 1 July 1970

Entry into force: 5 January 1976, in accordance with article 16 (4).

Registration: 5 January 1976, No. 14533

Status: Signatories: 13, Parties: 49.

Text: United Nations, Treaty Series , vol. 993, p. 143 and depositary notifications C.N.399.1981.TREATIES-1 of 2 February 1982 (Proposed of amendments by UK); C.N.88.1982.TREATIES-1 of 2 July 1982 (rectification of the English and French texts of the amendments); C.N.189.1982.TREATIES-2 of 19 August 1982 (Notification under article 23 (2)(b) by the Netherlands); C.N.205.1982.TREATIES-3 of 24 September 1982 (Notification under article 23(2)(b) by Czechoslovakia; C.N.24.1983.TREATIES-1 of 3 March 1983 (Acceptance by the Netherlands of the Amendments); C.N.124.1983.TREATIES-2 of 13 May 1983 (Acceptance of the Amendments proposed by UK); C.N.105.1991.TREATIES-1 of 24 July 1991 (amendments proposed by Norway); C.N.23.1992.TREATIES-1 of 3 March 1992 (Acceptance proposed by Norway); C.N.285.1993.TREATIES-3 of 30 August 1993 (amendments proposed by Norway); C.N.20.1994.TREATIES-1 of 18 April 1994 (notification under article 23(2)(b) by the Netherlands); C.N.335.1994.TREATIES-3 of 19 December 1994 (Acceptance of the amendments proposed by Norway); C.N.512.2003.TREATIES-1 of 27 May 2003 (Proposal of amendments by France to Article 12 of the Agreement) and C.N.1353.2003.TREATIES-3 of 5 December 2003 (Acceptance); C.N.475.2005.TREATIES-1 of 24 June 2005 (Proposed amendments communicated by the Government of France to the Agreement); C.N.993.2005.TREATIES-2 Reissued of 6 January 2006 (Communication by the Netherlands under article 21(2)(b)); C.N.239.2006.TREATIES-2 of 22 March 2006 [Notification in accordance with article 23 (5) (B) of the Agreement] and C.N.240.2006.TREATIES-3 of 22 March 2006 (Acceptance of the amendments proposed by France to the above Agreement, the annex to the Agreement and the appendices to the annex); C.N.170.2009.TREATIES-1 of 20 March 2009 (Proposed amendments by the Government of the Netherlands to the Body, Annex and Appendices to the Annex of the AETR).

For additional information, including reservations, declarations and notes, please visit the UN Treaty Website: STATUS OF THE UNITED NATIONS AGREEMENTS AND CONVENTIONS

Periodo tolleranza fino al 31.12.2010

Testo accordo inglese

Mercoledì, 06 Ottobre 2010

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